by Shari Smith
Gatherings –
1st Hour will be an open circle. We’ll share, put forth any question & end with a discussion on the Page of Swords. The 2nd hour a one or two card reading. We’ll decide and draw for a group created question. If you’d like me to text you the announcement for our gatherings & an [...]
by Shari Smith
Gatherings –
In Person
See you at: Panera Bread 7204 W. 191st Street, Tinley Park, IL 1st hour of open discussion with questions & we’ll decide on the 2nd hour. 2nd Hour – We’ll either look to our chart or work on a individual readying. If you need your chart, just email me your full DOB info including time [...]
by Shari Smith
Gatherings –
1st Hour will be an open circle. How to use Substack & Any new or interesting things related to Tarot. Of course any questions you might have as well. The 2nd hour a two card reading based on the end & beginning of the year. If you’d like me to text you the announcement for [...]