by Shari Smith
Gatherings –
1st Hour will be an open circle. We’ll share, put forth any question & end with a discussion on the Page of Swords. The 2nd hour a one or two card reading. We’ll decide and draw for a group created question. If you’d like me to text you the announcement for our gatherings & an [...]
by Shari Smith
Gatherings –
1st Hour will be an open circle. How to use Substack & Any new or interesting things related to Tarot. Of course any questions you might have as well. The 2nd hour a two card reading based on the end & beginning of the year. If you’d like me to text you the announcement for [...]
by Shari Smith
Gatherings –
1st Hour will be an open circle. How to use Substack & Any new or interesting things related to Tarot. Of course any questions you might have as well. The 2nd hour single card reading based on the end of the year. If you’d like me to text you the announcement for our gatherings & [...]